

Pivot.css: различия между версиями

Материал из ВикиВоины

Строка 1112: Строка 1112:
max-height: 300px;
max-height: 300px;
     overflow-y: auto;
     overflow-y: auto;
     overflow-x: auto;
     overflow-x: hidden;
     padding-right: 10px;
     padding-right: 10px;

Версия 07:32, 13 июня 2024

body {
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#content {
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#drop {
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#sidebar ul a:focus, #sidebar ul a {
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#footer-privacy {
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@font-face {
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h3 {
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h4 {
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h2#mw-toc-heading {
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.mobile-row-4-2 {
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.nomobile-row-4-2 {
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#p-cactions p {
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#p-cactions li {
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section.left-small {
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li.name.logo {
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.tab-bar {
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.flow-component .mw-ui-icon.mw-ui-icon-before:before {
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.flow-ui-boardDescriptionWidget-editButton {
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.flow-topic {
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.flow-topic-titlebar {
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.flow-topic-titlebar h2, .flow-topic-meta {
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a.flow-timestamp-anchor:hover:visited {
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a.flow-timestamp-anchor:hover {
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.flow-component .mw-ui-icon.mw-ui-icon-before.mw-ui-icon-only:before {
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.oo-ui-layout .oo-ui-buttonElement.oo-ui-labelElement > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button > .oo-ui-labelElement-label {
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ul.side-nav input[type="search"], input#search-field {
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section.middle.tab-bar-section a {
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.side-nav {
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.side-nav li a:not(.button):hover {
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ul.side-nav label {
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.right-off-canvas-menu, .left-off-canvas-menu {
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ul.off-canvas-list li a {
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ul.off-canvas-list li label {
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ul.off-canvas-list li a:hover {
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h1.title {
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#tagline {
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.pi-caption {
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div.gallerytextwrapper {
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div.gallerytextwrapper div.gallerytext p {
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ul.mw-gallery-packed-hover li.gallerybox:hover {
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ul.mw-gallery-packed-hover li.gallerybox:hover div.gallerytextwrapper p {
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ul.mw-gallery-packed-hover li.gallerybox:hover div.gallerytextwrapper, ul.mw-gallery-packed-overlay li.gallerybox div.gallerytextwrapper {
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ul.mw-gallery-packed-hover li.gallerybox:hover div.gallerytextwrapper:hover, ul.mw-gallery-packed-overlay li.gallerybox div.gallerytextwrapper:hover, ul.mw-gallery-packed-hover li.gallerybox.mw-gallery-focused div.gallerytextwrapper:hover {
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.mw-gallery-focused .gallerytextwrapper p {
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ul.mw-gallery-packed-hover li.gallerybox:hover div.gallerytextwrapper:hover p {
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.gallerytextwrapper p {
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.mw-content-ltr .mw-gallery-packed-hover ul { 
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ul.gallery {
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#mw-indicator-mw-helplink {
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button.secondary, .button.secondary {
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button.secondary:hover, button.secondary:focus, .button.secondary:hover, .button.secondary:focus {
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.mw-changeslist tr {
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.mw-changeslist-line {
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.mw-content-ltr .redirectText li:first-child {
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.mw-rcfilters-ui-changesListWrapperWidget .mw-changeslist-legend {
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.oo-ui-textInputWidget .oo-ui-inputWidget-input {
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h4.namespace.label {
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.selflink {
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table {
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table.wikitable {
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table.wikitable > tr > th, table.wikitable > * > tr > th {
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table.wikitable > tr > th, table.wikitable > * > tr > th a {

table.wikitable > tr > th, table.wikitable > tr > td, table.wikitable > * > tr > th, table.wikitable > * > tr > td {
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.NavHead {
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.NavHead .title {
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.tab-bar .title {
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#toc {
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div.thumb.tright .thumbinner {
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div.thumb.tleft .thumbinner {
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footer.row a {
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button, .button {
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button:hover, button:focus, .button:hover, .button:focus {
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/* Тач-устройства */
@media (hover: none) {
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span.hotcatinput select {
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.emblem-item-cat img {
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section.right-small {
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.search:focus + input.search-text {
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.search {
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.expandright {
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.expandright:focus {
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input.search-text {
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.suggestions {
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