
Чикагская лёгкая гвардия

Материал из ВикиВоины

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Чикагская лёгкая гвардия — военное формирование Иллинойсской армии Национальной гвардии, созданное и действующее в городе Чикаго.

THE CHICAGO LIGHT GUARDS were organized by Captain J. B. Wyman, in February, 1854. The Light Guards were considered at this time to be the best of the best, for years now they had been considered the crack corps of the northwest. To be a guardsman was cause to be envied by all. But now, with a few guardsmen remaining, drill at the Armory building, under the leadership of Lieutenant George W. Gage was only held occasionally. The forty-two Minie muskets, belonging to the unit were well kept and in good condition.



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