
Французская пика обр. 1807 г.

Материал из ВикиВоины

(1 голос)

Французская пика обр. 1807 г. — холодное кавалерийское оружие, первая стандартизованная пика французской армии.

The first standardized French military lance, the Model 1807, was in fact not intended for use by Frenchmen, but by Poles in French service. The head had a long, flat blade of diamond section, measuring 10in and attached to the haft by a short socket and a long pair of langets. The haft was of straight-grain ash or walnut blackened with iron oxide. The most distinctive feature of the weapon is a small ball at the neck of the blade, to prevent over-penetration. A simple metal shoe, riveted in place to the shaft, completed the weapon, which measured 9ft 2in in total. The Model 1807 lance was also issued to the 2nd Regiment of Light Horse Lancers of the Imperial Guard in 1810.

Источники[править | править код]

  • Osprey - Weapon 59 - The Cavalry Lance