
Хью О’Нилл

Материал из ВикиВоины

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Хью О’Нилл или Аод Мор мак Фэрдорха О’Нейлл — последний король ирландского королевства Тир Эогайн в Ольстере, который руководил восстанием в Ирландии против английского господства, известного как "Девятилетняя война" (1594 - 1603 гг.).


Hugh O’Neill, second earl of Tyrone, as he might have appeared at the height of hispowers during the 1590s. Tyrone would have been surrounded by symbolic Gaelicobjects to assert his rule over Ulster. He is standing in front of a stone chair knownas ‘Leac na Ri’ (the flagstone of kings), which would have been used in hisinauguration ceremony as ‘the O’Neill’ overlord of Ulster. In his right hand Tyrone holds a white rod, which was the primary symbol of a Gaelic lord’slegitimate authority. Propped against the chair is a large shield known asa ‘targe’, which would have been a common defensive weapon in Irelandand Scotland. The depictions of the white rod and the targe are based on a 17thCentury painting of Sir Neil O’Neill who was a relative of Tyrone and whose portrait is the only artistic reference for how a traditional Irishchieftain would have appeared. Paradoxically, Tyrone was also heavily influenced by his Englisheducation and experiences at the Elizabethan court. His faceis based on a reputed portrait from the Vatican City and hishair is cropped short in the English fashion. Although he wasIrish, Tyrone would have wanted to appear as the equal ofhis enemies and consequently he carries a rapier sword (хотя это скорее скьявона): therecognised weapon of an English gentlemen.

The only armour ever reported worn by Tyrone was a jack of plates given to him as a gift by the Lord Chancellor, Sir Christopher Hatton.

